Product Information File (Pıf)

Product Information File (Pıf)
COSMING is a laboratory specialized in preparing product information files. It offers comprehensive services to its customers for accurate and complete certification of cosmetic products in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Product information file; It is a set of technical files that must be prepared before the product is put on the market in accordance with the Cosmetics Law No. 5324, according to the EU Cosmetics Directive No. 1223/2009/EC for cosmetic products.

Its services include product composition analysis, safety assessment, microbiological analysis, stability testing and other related tests. These analyzes provide important data used in the preparation of the product information file. It provides reliable and precise results with tests performed in our laboratory using state-of-the-art devices and analytical methods.

The product information file is important in terms of ensuring legal compliance in the marketing of your cosmetic products, as well as increasing customer confidence and highlighting the quality of your products. A well-prepared product information file proves the reliability and effectiveness of your product and gives confidence to consumers.

If you would like to prepare the product information file of your cosmetic products or review and update your existing file, we, as Cosming, will be happy to help you. Our experienced team will work with you to prepare your file in accordance with legal requirements and deliver reliable results.

Customer satisfaction and product safety are our priority, we are here to provide you with the best service.