Cosmetic Product Tracking System

Cosmetic Product Tracking System
Cosmetic Product Tracking System (Üts) According to the Cosmetics Law, it is mandatory to notify the Ministry of Health and notify the changes made before cosmetic products are put on the market. It is prohibited to produce, package, open or operate an import business for cosmetic products without notification. Additionally, changes made to expand the scope of activity must also be notified.

The product's original packaging, readable packaging image and Turkish label samples must be submitted to the Authority. Notification procedures are carried out through the Product Tracking System (ÜTS). For this process, company registration and responsible technical personnel (STE) registration are required.

After company registration for notification procedures is completed, an electronic application must be created via ÜTS. No document is issued regarding the registered cosmetic products for which notification has been made. The manufacturer assumes legal responsibilities regarding the declared cosmetic products.

Cosmetic product export certificate is a certificate applied through ÜTS and issued for use in exports. Cosmetic companies registered in Turkey may request an export certificate for products for which they have made an ÜTS notification and are registered as cosmetics.

In short, notifications regarding the launch and export of cosmetic products must be made through ÜTS. In this process, it is important for companies to fulfill their legal responsibilities.

We will be happy to assist you in registering your cosmetic products with ÜTS and applying for a free sales certificate.

As Cosming, we provide support to our customers in the accurate and complete documentation process.